Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I have too much on my plate, can you please not add ANOTHER thing?

So on top of teaching Fourth grade (all subjects), I am head of two committees, have two mentees, and two part-time jobs. Needless to say, I have a lot on my plate.

Inevitably, someone, somewhere in my school will come to me and ask me to do one more thing. Whether it be one more committee , one more piece of paperwork, one more parent to call, one more meeting to set up, I can not handle ONE MORE THING!!! I am up to the brink of things that I have to do. WHY OH WHY, does people think that teachers have all the time in the world to do just one more thing.

I am sick of paperwork. I can literally drown in all the papers on my desk. Things that need to be done, things that should be done, things that people want me to get done. I am thinking about just dumping my whole desk in the recyclable file cabinet (ie the trash can). I really don't think I can be handed on more paper, one more worksheet. I am at my limit and I am about to crack.

This blog is my only refuge. It is my cathartic way of dealing with the stress. I just hope that it lasts long enough until the next tragedy takes over my world.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Fat - less

In a recent lesson reviewing suffixes, we were talking about the suffix "-less", meaning "to be without". I began asking students for words that they knew with the suffix "-less" and to use it in a sentence.

Though her intentions were real and genuine, one of my students raised her hand ready to give me her very best sentence. With a stong voice, she answers, "Ms. Guidry is fatless. Like, without fat!" I was very impressed with her trying to overcome my self-deprecation, I replied, "Well, thank you for that sweet sentiment, but fat-less is really not a word. But I am glad that you tried."

It's nice to know that my students see me better than I see myself.