Saturday, February 28, 2009

So I'm a therapist, but don't get paid like one

Every Monday and Wednesday after school, I tutor two students who are having difficulty with basic fourth grade objectives. I do this on my own time for the betterment of my students. (Just in case you're wondering, because another teacher asked, "Are you getting paid?"

"No." I responded.

"Really? Then why do you waste your time?"


But I digress, back to tutoring. On Monday, one of my tutoring students, we'll call her "Wood" asked me, "Ms. G, are we having tutoring today?"

"No, baby I have to go therapy. We will meet on Wednesday."

"Wood" gave me a funny look and returned to her seat. At the end of the day, as we were walking to the bus lot she asked again, "So we are not staying after school?"

"No, I have a doctor's appointment."

"Do you really go to therapy?" she asked. I could tell she was thinking about this all day.

"Yes." I answered.

Still thinking, (I could actually see the gears turning in her head) "But isn't therapy, for like, crazy people?"

I smiled. It's amazing how kids think and what goes through their little uncultivated minds. "No, sweetie. Sometimes adults just need time to talk to someone about things that are going on in their life. It's nice to have another adult to listen and not judge them."

Wood : "So, you are like, my therapist. Because you listen to me and help me."

Me : "Yeah. I guess you could say that." Funny, I never thought about it that way. "But if that's the case, I need you to pay me $100 everytime you 'talk' to me."

Wood: "Dang, you must be rich or something, because only rich white people go to therapy."

Me : "No, babe. It's called 'Health Insurance'. I only pay a little my insurance takes care of the rest."

Wood: "But why do you need to go?"

I had to laugh a little. "Because you all get on my nerves, and in order that I don't "Go crazy" like you said, I need to go to therapy to make sure I'm not driven off the deep in."

I could actually see the light bulb go off in her head. She laughed and with a smile says, "I got you, Ms. G! We are really bad sometimes, and I'm glad that you get to talk to someone so that you can come back to teach us. Have fun at therapy!" And with that she skirted off to get in on her bus.

I just stood there thinking, "Me too, Wood. Me too!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only learned as an older adult how much talking to a therapist helps. Great post.:)