Friday, December 22, 2006

What they don't teach in student teaching....

So when you go to college and you obtain a degree from an accreditted institution of education, you believe that you have been equipt with the necessary tools and an arsnal of theories to help you to manage and handle your "First Year of Teaching". You are an EDUCATOR!!! You are ready to hit the ground running, molding young minds, changing the world of tomorrow for the better, right?...... WRONG!!! Inevidably, you hit the ground running and you hit a brick wall!

Things are not like they were in the "ideal" classroom of your student teaching experience. There, you had another teacher. Someone who could help. Someone you could lean on. Someone who could be there for you when the S*&^ hit the fan. In "real life" teaching, there is no one! It is only you. You, among a class of children waiting for your next move. It's sort of like a chess game of life. Except you ALWAYS have to be thinking four and five moves ahead. Or you will never survive. I don't care how many Harry Wong books you've read, things are about to get stressful.....

We all go through it, every teacher, every year. The newbies and the veterans. Believe me, you are not alone. Here you will find stories that will help you get through your roughest times.

Hope you enjoy!

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